Synchronization makes life easier. I recently purchased an android-based smartphone and one of my favorite features is it's autosync. My email, my calendar, my contacts and my iTunes are all synced to my cell phone. I think one reason I like this feature is because of the comfort and security that it provides. I never have to worry about losing information or being out of the know. This is because information is constantly coming in and going out. In the same way, I think God desires that we be synchronized to him. With information coming in and going out. This thought comes from a meditation on John 7.
First, let's take a look at the context of John 7. Verses 1-2 tell us that the Feast of the Booths was at hand and there was to be a celebration in Judea. However, Jesus refuses to go because the Jews were seeking to kill him (v 1). At first glance, it seems as though Jesus reacts out of fear. However, that thought is quickly put to rest when he not only travels to Judea but starts open-air preaching (v 14). We then see that verse 1 is not motivated by fear, rather, it is motivated by a divine schedule."My time has not yet come" (v 6). I find that synchronization to the Father's will produces a boldness and a confidence that is able to stand up to life's greatest obstacles.
It's a terrible thing to be out of sync with the Lord. You feel rebellious. You feel lost. You feel powerless. You don't feel the "immeasurable greatness of his power" (Eph 1:19) but rather, "burdened and heavy laden" (Matt 11:28). If this is you, take heart. Syncing to God's will is not a complex process. Let us then ask the question that confronts so many believers. The question being, "How do I get synced to God's will?" This is a fair question. However, I'm pleased to find an answer in Jesus stating, "If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know..." (v. 17) This is a tremendous promise! We don't need to trouble ourselves over the specifics of God's will. Rather we are to rejoice in that the requirement to knowing his will is passionately following, obeying and serving him with the tools and opportunities that he's provided. This is the blueprint for divine syncing and the pathway that leads to peace and comfort.
God desires that we seek his glory (v. 18) and not our own. How? Through prayer, through his word and through the proclamation of the gospel! This is how we seek his glory. We seek his fame! We count everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing him AND making him known! Let us not seek our own glory and in so doing, alienate ourselves from Him. Rather, let us seek his glory by seeking his face, praying, studying his word and sharing the gospel. I pray that you would be synced to the Father's will and passionately complete the work that he has given you to do.
"He who calls you is faithful, he will surely do it."
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