Sunday, September 19, 2010

Living water for the thirsty

Nothing is more frustrating than unmet desires. We run through countless idols trying to appease our cavernous thirsts. However, what we fail to realize is that our deep, great thirsts have been given to us by God FOR him. The sad thing is that we turn perfectly good things into idols by attempting to use them to fill the great holes in our life. However, good things cannot fill great holes. Where there are deep longings to be satisfied, there are equally deep portions of grace to satisfy that restless soul. If you have spectacular sins, you may enjoy a spectacular savior! A heart that desires little receive little but a heart that desires much receives "grace upon grace" (John 1:16) Therefore, "let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need" (Heb 4:16) Let us never think that our sin disqualifies us to draw near to the throne of grace. For our confidence is not in ourselves but in the perfect righteousness of Christ. Those who lean on Christ are the most humble and joyful people in the world.

In John 4 we meet a Samaritan woman with a deep thirst for the Lord. Sadly, she is unaware that her desires are for the triune God. We see in verse 6 that she is drawing water from a well at an unusual hour. The writer John makes a point to specify that this took place around the sixth hour (noon). It was customary for women to draw water early in the morning. However, this lady seems to be avoiding the women in the town. Why? Verse 18 tells us that she's had FIVE failed marriages and is living with a man who is not her husband. I can only imagine the emotional wounds of five failed marriages. I can only imagine how women in the town talk and gossip about this poor soul. I can only imagine how the men in the town view this seemingly promiscuous woman. However, God intends that we see ourselves in the face of this woman.

Notice that our Lord does not condemn her for her desires. Rather, he offers her living water that will cause her to "never thirst again" (v. 14). Do you think she has thirsts? You bet she has thirsts! FIVE failed marriages! This is a great picture of the result of idolatry. Men make horrible Gods. Women make horrible Gods. Anything other than Yahweh will make a horrible God. Once anything is elevated above God, it gets crushed and we get disappointed. These men were mostly likely crushed under the weight of having to be God to this woman. It was far too much to handle. Men were not meant to be put in God's position. Only God can bear the weight of our deep expectations. Only God can offer us living water. All other founts will cause us to "be thirsty again" (v. 13).

Here we see ourselves in the face of this adulteress woman. We too have given ourselves over to idols. We too have tried to satisfy our heart's longings with created things instead of the creator. We too have made a mess of our life and live in shame and in a pool of regret. However, we can take heart. For our Lord will deal with us as patiently and as lovingly as he does with this woman. "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scriptures has said, Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water" (John 7:37) This is meant for us! Whoever doesn't thirst doesn't breath. Whoever doesn't have longings doesn't have a soul. Let us repent and rejoice! Like the woman of Samaria, let us drop our buckets (v.28) and drink deeply from the living water that our Savior provides! Grace upon grace is ours for the taking! All you need to bring with you is repentance and faith! Bring as much of it as you can! The greater the longings, the greater the Savior will prove to be! I pray Christ would draw you to drink deeply from his fount of living water.

"He who calls you is faithful, he will surely do it"

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